Unitholders' Information

Capitalization and Main Investors


(as of Nov. 8, 2023)

Total Unitholders' Equity 152,719,492,475 yen
Investment Units - Authorized 5,000,000 units
Investment Units Issued and Outstanding 2,406,890 units

Changes in Unitholders' Equity and the Number of Investment Units Outstanding

Increase or decreases in paid-in capital and the number of investment units outstanding since 2005 are summarized as follows;

Date Total Unitholders' Equity(yen) Investment Units Issued and Outstanding(units) Remarks
Change Outstanding Change Outstanding
Oct. 7, 2005 100,000,000 100,000,000 200 200 (note 1)
Dec. 13, 2005 8,900,000,000 9,000,000,000 17,800 18,000 (note 2)
Jun. 21, 2006 18,748,800,000 27,748,800,000 43,400 61,400 (note 3)
Apr. 26, 2007 18,595,161,900 46,343,961,900 34,300 95,700 (note 4)
May 24, 2007 963,370,341 47,307,332,241 1,777 97,477 (note 5)
Aug. 28, 2008 12,250,000,000 59,557,332,241 70,000 167,477 (note 6)
Oct. 2, 2009 6,000,119,300 65,557,451,541 65,863 233,340 (note 7)
Jun. 30, 2010 5,000,236,650 70,557,688,191 43,035 276,375 (note 8)
Jul. 1, 2010 - 70,557,688,191 829,125 1,105,500 (note 9)
Jul. 1, 2010 - 70,557,688,191 225,300 1,330,800 (note 10)
Nov. 26, 2013 8,148,307,200 78,705,995,391 131,200 1,462,000 (note 11)
Dec. 18, 2013 811,104,360 79,517,099,751 13,060 1,475,060 (note 12)
May 27, 2015 12,198,615,000 91,715,714,751 165,000 1,640,060 (note 13)
Apr. 1, 2020 - 91,715,714,751 152,995 1,793,055 (note 14)
Apr. 1, 2020 25,999,919,900 117,715,634,651 262,891 2,055,946 (note 15)
Dec. 4, 2020 6,090,192,000 123,805,826,651 72,000 2,127,946 (note 16)
Dec. 25, 2020 304,509,600 124,110,336,251 3,600 2,131,546 (note 17)
Oct. 1, 2021 7,745,030,496 131,855,366,747 70,476 2,202,022 (note 18)
Oct. 20, 2021 315,181,728 132,170,548,475 2,868 2,204,890 (note 19)
Oct. 3, 2022 5,900,336,456 138,070,884,931 53,333 2,258,223 (note 20)
Oct. 19, 2022 295,055,544 138,365,940,475 2,667 2,260,890 (note 21)
Oct. 12, 2023 13,669,988,664 152,035,929,139 139,047 2,399,937 (note 22)
Nov. 8, 2023 683,563,336 152,719,492,475 6,953 2,406,890 (note 23)
  1. re-plus residential investment inc. was established on October 7th, 2005.
  2. Additional issue Offer price JPY 500,000
  3. Additional issue Offer price JPY 450,000 Issue price JPY 432,000
  4. Additional issue Offer price JPY 564,540 Issue price JPY 542,133
  5. Additional issue Issue price JPY 542,133
  6. Additional issue Issue price JPY 175,000
  7. Additional issue Issue price JPY 91,100
  8. Issuance of new investment units at an issue price of 116,190 per unit was implemented by third-party allotment for the purpose of a partial reimbursement of borrowings succeeded from Prospect Reit Investment Corporation as a result of the merger.
  9. 4-for-1 investment unit split was conducted.
  10. An absorption-type merger was executed in accordance with article 147 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations whereby Japan Rental Housing Investments Inc. is the surviving investment corporation and Prospect Reit Investment Corporation is the extinguished investment corporation under the merger.
  11. Additional issue Offer price JPY 64,350 Issue price JPY 62,106
  12. Additional issue Issue price JPY 62,106
  13. Additional issue Offer price JPY 76,440 Issue price JPY 73,931
  14. An absorption-type merger was executed in accordance with article 147 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations whereby Daiwa Securities Living Investments Corporation (former Japan Rental Housing Investments Inc.) is the surviving investment corporation and Nippon Healthcare Investment Corporation is the extinguished investment corporation under the merger.
  15. Additional issue Issue price JPY 98,900
  16. Additional issue Offer price JPY 87,457 Issue price JPY 84,586
  17. Additional issue Issue price JPY 84,586
  18. Additional issue Offer price JPY 113,626 Issue price JPY 109,896
  19. Additional issue Issue price JPY 109,896
  20. Additional issue Offer price JPY 114,387 Issue price JPY 110,632
  21. Additional issue Issue price JPY 110,632
  22. Additional issue Offer price JPY 101,595 Issue price JPY 98,312
  23. Additional issue Issue price JPY 98,312

Principal Unitholders

The following represents major 10 unitholders as of March 31, 2024

Name Units held
Ratio of units
held to total
units issued
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 450,758 18.7
The Master Trust Bank of Japan (Trust account) 386,076 16.0
Daiwa Securities Group Inc. 378,707 15.7
Nomura Trust and Banking Company (Trust account) 105,675 4.4
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 26,756 1.1
JP MORGAN CHASE BANK 385771 25,404 1.1
  1. The ratio of units held to total units issued is rounded down to the first decimal place.
  2. As of March 31, 2024, the number of unitholders is 21,918.